Tag Archives: Frida

term end in sight!

oh God, will i ever master the devil that is Modern Symbolic Logic? Just when I think I’ve got it pretty good, it springs an impossible question at me. Anyway – the only way I can survive it is by studying systematically. I’m on 6.3 right now and the final is on Tuesday (there are 7 units in total, but I for sure don’t know all my stuff for unit 5 or unit 7). My room is an utter mess, and I haven’t relaxed (save for the bouts of web surfing) in the last 3 weeks… After logic final is my Presocratics and Plato final… so yeah.

And i agreed to work through the holidays—so I won’t be getting much of a breather at all. People ask me why I work this much, I’ve not saving $ for anything in particular (heck, I window shop a ton, but I never actually spend this money. But i think I might treat myself this Xmas, a nice bag, nothing above $500 though)

My eating habits? Terrible – it’s all according to my study and work schedule. Yesterday I was running late to work (I was in a meeting at school till 1:30pm). I had an omelette sandwich in the morning but NOTHING else until 8pm at night. That’s DANGEROUS, but what could I have done? Told my student to wait while I grab some food?

But there are many things that are keeping my spirits up! I cannot wait to go back to the Frida show again, and ugh—just so many iTunesU videos that patiently await meeeee…